Google TV: The Future of Interactive Television?

Inside a top-secret lab in Silicon Valley, programmers are putting the finishing touches on a new product called Google TV. The company says this new device will take all the best features of watching television, surfing the web, playing online games, and connecting with friends on Twitter and Facebook, and combine them into a single experience.
It is “a new way to think about television,” said Google Senior Product Manager Rishi Chandra. “Basically what we’re trying to do here is take all that content that you already watch today on television, and add all that other content that you get on the web today, that you normally can’t get on your TV.”
With Google TV, users can channel-surf between traditional TV shows, websites, online video, social media, and eventually programs recorded on a DVR, all with just a few clicks of the remote. (The DVR function has not yet been worked out with all major cable and satellite providers.)
You can bookmark all your favorite applications, all your favorite websites, and all your favorite channels in this one single interface,” Chandra explained.
Google is betting that it will transform TV the same way smartphones transformed the telephone.
The device is expected to hit store shelves later this month. It will be marketed as a stand-alone unit that can be attached to an existing TV, and also as a built-in feature in Sony TVs and Blu-Ray DVD players.
Google TV already has competition from Apple, which markets a system called Apple TV. Apple’s device – a sleek little black box – provides access to TV shows, movie downloads, online music, photos and more. Amazon and Netflix are also looking at new ways to provide immediate content for viewers to turn watching TV into a more interactive experience.
All of these systems use new technology to bring an old idea back to life – the idea of the whole family gathering around the television to share hours of entertainment together. While mobile use has vastly increased in recent years, making it easy to watch a movie solo on a laptop or smart-phone, the average American still spends five hours a day in front of the TV. Google sees that as a big opportunity.

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